who we are.
Join us as we help sons and daughters know God and mature into their full potential, both individually and as a church family.

Meeting from
house to house - Acts 5:42
Our Mission
The kingdom of God is advancing around the world, as people find peace with God through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. Power House Churches are called to be a part of this mission by building communities focused on Jesus and helping each other step into our God-given destinies. We follow the Bible as the unchanging, inspired word of God. As Christians, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God was making His appeal to men and women though us (1 Corinthians 5:20). Therefore, at PHC we desire to help people mature into strong and passionate Christians, faithful to Jesus, seeking to grow, willing to sacrifice, leaning on God's power, and authentically living out their faith. God has gifted each of us in unique and incredible ways, but it takes a family to help us grow and learn how to live a life that's given-over to Jesus.
Actually, that's why family is one of our core values. Our churches are built on six core values:

The Bible often refers to Christians as children of God, and as brothers and sisters. We are a family, and as such, we must have authentic, vulnerable relationships where we know and are known deeply.

Jesus went about healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons, and preaching the good news. As his followers, we do not merely talk about the good news, we trust in Him to demonstrate the good news through us!
Spiritual maturity is a lifelong journey and we must humble ourselves to continue learning and becoming more like Jesus. Discipleship isn't just a program, it's life lived out together, growing daily and becoming who God has created us to be

What God has done in us, he wants to do through us. When the love of Christ fills us, it flows out to those around us and we get to invite others into relationship with God and into the family. This is not just for Sunday mornings - we are conduits for our coworkers, the poor and hurting, and the person we meet at the store!

We gather together weekly to worship corporately, encourage each other, and be challenged. Gathering regularly is not only a command, it allows us to rest and be refilled so we can again take Jesus out into the world around us.

Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice to pay for our sin and make us right with God the Father. In response to this incredible love, we joyfully commit to live lives of service and sacrifice for our wonderful Savior. We have counted the cost of following Jesus and know that He is worth our lives and choices wholly laid down.
Our Leaders
our priority is people
Each Power House Church is led by a team of men and women who have stepped into the privilege and responsibility of guiding a local church body. Our leaders work everyday jobs and make disciples in their spheres of influence, but have also answered the call to lead and shepherd a local church body. All individual churches are supported by, and submitted to the leadership of the PHC guiding board of elders, and PHC is under the covering of the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening. We believe God is using PHC to raise up an army of spiritual leaders to equip the body of Christ. By building healthy reproducing churches full of strong disciples of Jesus, we will be part of God's plan to steward the harvest as He pours out revival around the world and in the coming generations.
May His Kingdom come...